Saturday, 30 March 2013

Living for Jesus when it seems like the world is winning

Last Friday was Good Friday and in commemoration of the day, I decided to watch ‘Passion of the Christ’. Somehow this time, it was different from when I watched it before. I sobbed and sobbed sooo much more!! My closer relationship with God has brought me to a place of incomprehensible gratitude and utter amazement of just how much He loves me that He sent His only Son to bear not just my sin but the sin of the world. A world that is so ready to reject Him. Lets be frank, there are churches that have left Him outside! From the beginning of the movie, I was analyzing everything that happened. I would go into the details of the inner workings of my mind but I shan’t bore you ;). However I did question who I would have been if I was there? Would I still have faith that Jesus came to redeem me when He was on the cross and it seemed like the devil had won? We can’t say for sure.

Jesus knew His fate. He knew the exact time that God the Father wanted Him to start His ministry and exactly how, when, by whom and where His death would take place. He broke bread with the man who he knew would betray Him and He prayed for those who cursed Him – He did not treat these men with hatred or even ignored their existence (which some of us do). He knew when to talk and when to be silent. Jesus knew everything! But here is the thing……THERE WAS A PLAN! Satan had no clue of just how amazing this plan was. I suppose its because satan does not have an ounce of love in him. Satan thought he was winning the whole time. Lets just put out the facts…..satan not only had God’s people, the Jews, sending Jesus to His death, he must have also been really tickled that he had Jesus disciple (Jesus friend!) betraying Him. To the natural eye it would seem that Jesus would not be the Saviour….it looked like someone had to save Him! But everything was going according to God’s plan. It looked like evil won even when Jesus was on the cross. This is the amazing part, when Jesus carried those sins and said ‘it is finished’…..the devil’s plans were UTTERLY CANCELLED and the plan of God prevailed! Not just that, Jesus rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father!  I will never truly understand what Christ did on that cross. But I must say, the little that my brain comprehends is enough to blow my mind away.

The reason I repeat facts you already know is because…..sometimes it seems like the world around us is winning. What we see seems so much stronger than the unseen. I’m here to tell you, do not try to fully understand God’s plan. The unseen realm is more real than the seen – that’s why you and I need to seek God. Do what God wants you to do and sometimes you may be heartbroken because things are not going your way or how you think it should go…….you just pray (for wisdom, guidance, strength, etc.), seek His face and voice and continue doing His work. The Lord says “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9)”. Just like how Peter and many others did not understand God’s plan at that point in time cause of the situation they were in, we face the same problem today. Question is….is your faith still in God even though it seems like the world is winning? The fact is….the Kingdom of God will rule. Does your faith in this truth (unseen) overrule you current situation (seen)?

1 Corinthians 15:24
“Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom of God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power.”

Hebrews 10:22-25
22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Dance of Obedience

Dancing! Now that’s something I love to do. Most of my dancing is self-taught with a little bit of salsa lessons in between. Imagine a little girl dancing in front of her mirror or on her bed with all her heart, trying so hard to look just like that person she saw in a video --- I was just like that girl :). This post is not just for dancers…. I think anyone can tell between a bad and good dance. I enjoy watching partner dances (ballroom dancing like waltz, samba, foxtrot, quickstep, paso doble, salsa etc.). It looks best when a man leads and supports with confidence while his partner completely trusts him as he guides, twirls, dips, lifts her along the dance floor. It looks so beautiful when both move in unison.

As part of my devotion, I read one of Sharon Jaynes’ articles in which she talks briefly about the dance of obedience. She describes obedience as a dance in which we do not have to worry if we do not know the right moves because Jesus does. ‘You simply follow His lead. In Him we live, move and have our being…..the dance of obedience is breathtaking’.  Question is ‘will you join Him on the dance-floor?’ As He guides you in this dance, you and your dance is a testimony.

NOTE: I am not talking about being lawful (living with a whole bunch of don’t) but taking a step of faith in obedience to God’s word and allowing God to move in your life. Its not hard, but we make it hard. Just like how Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water. He didn’t have the ability to walk on water but he took the first step and God did the rest.

O.B.E.Y is a word that sometimes tends to bring out my rebellious side. Sometimes I obey with reluctance. When I know something is good for me then I listen but if being obedient requires me to give up something I don’t think will or has not harmed me…..then being disobedient is something I might favour. Sometimes I just think my way is better. Its like when you were a child or teenager….and your parents tell you to do something, which in retrospect was good for you but back then, you were plain rebellious. Being obedient was sometimes hard. Some people learn early in life  that not listening to their parents is not safe (mainly due to trust and respect) whilst others want to try living on the wild side. As much as people think I am an obedient person….I beg to differ. Of course the bar I set for myself is not the world system but Christ who knew His destiny on earth was to die a painful death to save mankind. Imagine a man who did not do anything wrong, sinless……took on all your sin on the cross just so that you will be saved. Jesus did the Will of the Father. Now that is obedience. The great thing about God is, even though taking the first step is your task…..Jesus gives you the ability and strength to see it through….by His grace and mercy. Your obedience is needed for the building of the Kingdom of God.

In my last blog I mentioned how the word obedience used to freak me out! I quote myself (haha) ‘I felt God wanted to control me! I thought I knew what is best for me (hahaha…how wrong was I!). But the more I know God, the more I realise that being obedient is for my own good cause every time I am rebellious….I regret it and I run back to Him’.  To me, if I was obedient, I'd be a boring, goody-two-shoes. I also thought that I should move at my pace and to the direction that I wanted to go….. “come on people, I know what I can do and what I can’t! I’m the one living this life. Plus, I want to enjoy my life and not spend so much time with church stuff”. The more I know God, the more I realise that my ministry is an expression of my love for God and not a chore.  

But here is the truth, every time I am obedient to what God wants for me….there is an indescribable fulfilment and it never is boring. Something that I have never felt when I did what I wanted. Understand that being obedient to God’s voice (perhaps through His Word, the words given by the Lord through a man of God, a prompting, etc.) is totally up to you. Take it from someone who doesn’t liked to be bossed around, I have never had so much joy before this. My prayer is always that I trust God and do His will. If I find what He wants hard to do, I pray that God changes my heart, gives me strength and I walk by faith and not by sight. It isn’t always easy at first….but after that first step, God gives an ease even in a difficult situation.

The heart beat of Jesus is the beat that you move to when you dance the dance of obedience. When he guides, the dance is always interesting and unpredictable. That means leaving your comfort zone of just dancing the steps you know, in a place that you know. Jaynes calls it the ‘fancy footwork of faith’. When you constantly want to move to your beat and not His, you may never know the fulfilling life that Christ gives or just how beautiful that life is. Just like me, make a decision everyday to join God in the dance of obedience. You won’t regret it. “You are always one step of obedience away from the next great adventure and moments of sudden glory that follow”—Jaynes. 

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Be calm my restless heart

Less than a month ago, I had to make a decision that might alter my future. In the few minutes after I knew I had make a decision… heart began to do its usual-dramatic-flattering-ritual. This time it began with excitement to a sudden change…..restlessness. The restlessness of my heart caused my anxiety to kick in, my fears to slowly grip me and by the end of it….it held me down. It was that moment I was left wondering….. ‘making a decision can’t be this hard’. By the way, all these things happen so fast and I’m either left pushing it away (trying to avoid the thought of all of it) and later allowing it to fester or I am talking to God about it. Of course the latter is the wiser decision but sometimes talking to God isn’t the easiest place to go to. I might even start talking to God (aka praying) and then suddenly….I unconciously begin rationalising my options again…..and then its “so-long prayer! Its ‘mighty-Shalini’ trying to save herself again”. We never fail to go back to believing in the ‘I’ rather than the Rock that is higher than I.

In a ‘me, myself and I’ society, its hard not to rely on self. But here is the thing… can only do a certain amount. God has given us the capacity to use our talents and gifts and it will take us pretty far. But that’s it! You need the Holy Spirit and the power of Jesus Christ to achieve beyond that. I’m so glad that I know My God. He gives me not just a peace that passeth ALL UNDERSTANDING as I trust Him but wisdom to know that I function best when I am in Him.

God sees everything in a huge framework that leads to His ultimate plan. I am in this plan….so are you, if you want to be in it (remember: He will work in you if you will walk in His ways- He doesn’t force….you have free will). He knows the perfect timing for everything. Sometimes I work ahead of Him and then a still voice says ‘not yet Shalini’ or I am taking too long, He says ‘its now. Walk, I’m with you’. Honestly, the word obedience used to freak me out! I felt God wanted to control me! I thought I knew what is best for me (hahaha…how wrong was I!). But the more I know God, the more I realise that being obedient is for my own good cause everytime I am rebellious….I regret it and I run back to Him.

To calm my restless heart, I know that I need to conciously make a decision to trust God (“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight”-Proverbs 3:5-6). End of the day, I don’t know what the future holds but My God knows all things. He loves me and wants what is best for me…..therefore it is wise that I just leave it to Him. When are we gonna realise the frailty of humanity and that God is ALMIGTHY? We are a work in progress, therefore trusting and walking in Him sometimes needs to be a concious and obedient decision. Believe me, your life will never be so fulfilling and peaceful until you make a decision to trust Him.

Be blessed xoxo

Ps. Read Psalms 25. 

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Being single…..a gift?

There was a point in my life that I was so sure that I’d be married at 25. Funny how specific I was with the age. For the record, I am now 27 going on 28 and am still single (and not complaining :)). Do I want to get married? I do. But after many years of wanting to settle down in my mid-twenties…..I am happy being single. I am not just saying it to make myself feel better. I have never felt like this until a few months ago. I asked myself the question this year, ‘what if you never got married?’. A bit early to ask the question, I know….but ‘what if!?’. It was this year that something clicked within me and I was happy with being single. For me to say that…..its a HUGE THING! I’ve been praying for this man since I was 15….to say I am willing to be single….its HUGE! I’ll put it this way….I still want to get married….but if I didn’t….I will not be a disgruntled person who is angry with God neither will my world fall apart. My proposal to you is….whatever stage you are in – Be content. It’s a decision that you must make. Bask in the gifts that you can receive and give during that stage.

The reason I write this blog is because some people feel sorry for you if you are single. I totally understand the pressure of it all. I get it a lot….. ‘so are you seeing anyone?’, ‘when are you getting married?’. If I say I am not its either ‘you need to go out and meet people’ or ‘you must be picky’. I am truly blessed to have people who care about me. I know they are all just concerned about my happiness. They don’t want me to be alone when I get older. I believe it’s the same for you who feel pressured. However, I believe that we must be happy in whatever stage we are in. We live in a world where everyone is not content with where their at. Look at it this way…after you get married, the next question will be ‘when are you having babies?’, to questions that you get in motherhood and so on. If you are a perfectionist like me…..God bless you….you truly need to make a decision to be content….haha.  

Being single was never a curse. I know wanting to share your life with someone is a God-given desire. But….we should never think life will only start once we get married. I’ve done my research honey….there are many married people who would say that they wished they had enjoyed singlehood. The gifts that singlehood has to offer is something that most of us do not get once we settle-down. If you are single (not that you can't do this when your married), meet to different countries (backpack if you want)....bungee jump....skydive....swim with dolphins(that one is for me!). Find out what your likes and dislikes are. Discover who you are as a person. If you are engaged or married, enjoy it. Enjoy today and do not go through life worrying. Don’t waste the gifts God gave us. Living dissatisfied is no way to live at all.

I reached this stage not by sher will….I came to a place where I was able to not just say I trust God with my life but truly believe that God has the best plan for my life. All I need to do is enjoy where I am at, be obedient to the will of God and continue to trust Him. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life than His purposes for me. I will falter but my God will never forsake me. My hope is in Him.

If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures. (Job 36:11)

Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. (Phil 4:11-12)

So my lovely people....just like resolved to be content. It will be one of the best decisions you make xoxo.  

Saturday, 9 March 2013


I love music! Billy Joel said, “music is something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music”. It expresses feelings not just through lyrics but melodies, sounds, dynamics, etc. The music I like, may not necessarily be music you like. One of the things I’d like to do on this blog is recommend music, movies, and anything else I think people would like. You can gauge if my taste can be trusted :).

Today I want to recommend (even though its been in the market for a while) the 2- disc Christian album “Music Inspired by The Story” which has 18 songs from 24 amazingly talented artists. The whole album collectively is about “God’s story of love and redemption from Genesis to Revelation”. These songs were written based on biblical stories from a first-person perspective. A great job by Nichole Nordeman and Bernie Herms. Both writers were never in the same room when they wrote these songs. They did it on phone and email…..thats how amazing God’s annointing is :).

My personal favourites would be ‘It must be you’ (Moses) by the oh-so amazing voice of  Bart Millard from Mercyme, ‘Move in me’ (Paul) by Jeremy Camp, ‘Alive’ (Mary Magdelene) by Natalie Grant, ‘Who but you’ (Abraham and Sarah) by members of Casting Crowns Megan Garret and Mark Hall….. I could go on. That’s how good it is :). These songs are not just songs based on the characters but will definitely be a blessing to you personally. 

Check them out:
‘It must be you’ (Moses) -

Who but you (Abraham and Sarah)- 
Bring us home (Joshua) - 

Your heart (David) - 
If you don't have the album, you should get it. Check out the website to find out more

Be blessed xoxo

Friday, 8 March 2013

Are you the Pharisee or Forgiven Woman?

Those of us who know the story of Jesus know that the Pharisees are seen as the ‘bad guys’. But the more I look at all of us who judge others (let’s be honest, most of us do it), especially we who are in church who criticise and are ready to point out others faults….we are no better than the Pharisees. Pharisees judged based on laws that they believe everyone must live by and showed no grace. I believe that we are no one to judge others….God will judge and we are called to love. Yes, we need to rebuke in love and with the best intention for the person. No malice. The bible says "Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” (Matt 7:3).

One of my favourite women of God is Beth Moore. She is beautiful, funny and very passionate about Jesus. She speaks from her passion for God and His Word. In one of her sermons, she talks about the story of the sinful woman who brought perfume when she entered the house of the Pharisee after she found out Jesus was eating there (Luke 7:37-48). The sinful woman began to wet Jesus feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. The Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he said to himself (note that it wasn't out was a thought), "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is--that she is a sinner." The Pharisee judged both Jesus and the woman, who expressed her love for Jesus. What made both the Pharisee and the Forgiven Woman (formerly the sinful woman) different from each other?

Pharisee is characterised by ‘what he does not do out of love for God’.

Forgiven woman is characterised by ‘what she does for her love for God’.

The important question is, ‘are we the Pharisee or Forgiven Woman?’ Do you do the right thing in response to your love for God and with faith and obedience that His Word is true? Or are you a Pharisee following rules, ready to judge anyone who doesn’t do things the way you want them to or doesn’t believe what you do? We all sin….no sin is bigger than another….therefore don’t be so ever ready to judge someone else. You have a log in your own eye (me included!).   

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Fake Christians?

I’m a teacher. I teach in one of the best private secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur. And I must say, I take pride in that fact (hehe…I’m human). During my first sharing for Christian Fellowship with my students yesterday, we had a discussion about ‘fake Christians’. I found all sorts of things on this topic as I was surfing the net. There is even a group on facebook called ‘Fake Christian Alert’! We all agree that Christians are not perfect. The truth of the matter is…..actions speak louder than words. That is why its only through Christ that we will not be fake Christians. Why do I say this?, you may ask. Because we are all a work in progress. We have and will sin…its in our nature….we are born of sin. BUT it is ONLY through Christ (and not our doing) that we are free. No amount of serving God will make you more perfect.  You serve God in response to your love for Christ and what He did on the cross for you.

Lets go back to the beginning for a while. When Adam and Eve sinned, there was a separation between man and God. God gave the law to Moses to create order. Why? Just imagine having roads with no rules…..we’d live in chaos! So yes, the law was needed. There was also the question of how will God’s people fellowship with Him? God is Holy and man is with sin. Therefore, there was a sacrificial system (Burnt Offering, Grain Offering, Sin Offering, etc.) that was put in place to enable His people to live a holy life. There were so many offerings (which are very symbolic and picture the work of Christ--which is so amazingly cool! but we'll save that for another time) that shows us not just the sanctity of God but His immense desire to fellowship with His people. From all this we can see that, being in the presence of God without the blood of Jesus was so hard. That is why Jesus had to come. Not just to show that people can’t live by law, but also enable us to communicate with God at the speed of thought through the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Now we don’t live by law but through the grace and mercy of Christ Jesus. Living with a whole set of rules is difficult… we have Christ who paid the price through the ultimate sacrifice of dying on the cross for us. Imagine the Son of God thought of YOU, came with no recognition, showed us how to live, was WITHOUT SIN, died a cruel death and rose again for YOU! Through Jesus, there is freedom! Christ did not come to play religion! He came to have a relationship with His people. Christianity is not a bunch of rituals but a relationship. Its like no other religion....and that is why many don't like calling it a religion (watch video below to understand).

Christianity is based on a relationship with Jesus Christ. Fake Christians pretend to have a relationship with Christ yet are dead to Him on the inside. You can go to church but be dead to Christ. That makes you a fake Christian. Christians are a work in progress…..but when you say you are a Christian and don’t attempt (by asking the Holy Spirit to help you) to live in and by and through Christ….you have fallen away. If your problem is that you think you are too messed up for God…..that He cannot handle your problems…..honey, you got the wrong God! The God I serve can do anything! He is Almighty! If he can take a Saul who was a murderer and anti-Jesus and tranform him into Paul, the focused Christ-centered man who lived a single-life doing the work of Christ and wrote TWO-THIRDS of the new testemant….my God can work with you. It is when this relationship with Christ grows that we are able to serve Christ out of a love for Him. So those who are convicted that they are ‘fake Christians’…..make a decision to get your relationship with Jesus right and surrender your life to Him. He will help you overcome your problems…..yes even problems with addiction to pornography, insecurities, fear……He can do ALL things. He saved me :).

Enjoy they clip below. Its amazing :) (Please do not read the subtitles....lots of errors).  

Be blessed.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Dare to put it out there!


“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness;
and all these things shall be added unto you”—Matt 6:33

It took me so long to decide if I should start a blog – the musings and ponderings of a young woman. The thought that my opinions would go out into the unknown world and cannot be taken back—was scary. I don’t think I would ever be ready for the world to not just hear my words but also criticise my views. I also had to answer some hard questions….. “do my thoughts matter?”, “what if people give me negative feedback?” or “what if my writing isn’t that good?”. It was then that I stopped and thought about how I reacted to everything I just said. How it all brought out so many of my fears. It wasn’t that I had nothing to say…..I was insecure and fearful. Like most great things in my life, it always starts with battling my fears first. And believe me….I have had many battles! But (haha!) one thing someone once said, “don’t be fooled by her look, this girl is a bulldog. She is stubborn for Christ”. Those words have stuck with me…..I am stubborn for Christ! I know He will inspire me to write and is my greatest Teacher. 

I was created for a unique that I am accountable for. Each role I have been given is a gift from God. Positioned in this very place (not just Kuala Lumpur….as buzz lightyear put it, “infinity and beyond” aka. no limit to where I can go or what I could do through Christ) with my sphere of one can take my place. The greatest gift of all…….knowing God. The more I know Him, the more I love Him and love who He has created me to be. He chose me for such a time as this. I am not just chosen, I am uniquely chosen… a David or Daniel of my generation. Pretty bold words, I know. But I also know, to get there….I will need to rely on God and be obedient to His voice.  Note to all, I was never this excited about this....I may sound a tad bit intense here haha. 

Stay with me on this blog---we’ll discover God together through the power of the Word and Holy Spirit—through the life of a chirpy (not in an annoying way), fun-loving young woman. I’ll be real, candid. You may cry, laugh, sympathize, relate and feel many things…..just remember, the ultimate goal… encourage you on your walk with Christ or cause you to want to know Him. Experience His freedom……it never gets boring. Let Him'll never regret it ;). 

Be blessed xoxo