Sunday, 12 May 2013

Mend my broken heart

Psalms 147:3 – "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds".

There is a pain that heartbreak causes that I cannot quite describe. Elisabeth Elliot says “perhaps the most painful wounds are not the physical ones but those of the heart”. A broken heart is not just caused by someone we love and trust (ex: a special person, husband, wife, parents, friends, etc). I believe we could have a broken heart due to not achieving something we put our hopes and dreams in. Each person deals with pain differently. The wounds of the heart can lead to either death or a better life. Some bury it so far in but it pops up from time to time through bitter words and selfish acts, whilst some can’t contain the feelings of betrayal, hatred, regret, rejection, etc. I don’t believe you can keep heartbreak hidden. It somehow shows itself. The secret to healing the wounds is dealing with it. Easier said than I done….I know! But if you put God in this process and be obedient to Him, you’ll see a brand new heart.

Proverbs 15:13 –
“A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken”
Proverbs 17:22 –
“A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones”.

The reason I am writing this blog is because I have realised how much heartbreak can mare our view of God and the world. It could bring death to a part of us that could bring life. Personally, I fell into a mudpit of which I call my ‘biggest heartbreak’. For the longest time, I guarded my heart and I must say I did a pretty good job ;). Until, when I least expected it, I let my guard down and got my heartbroken (we were just two very different people that wanted very different things). After that, I swam in the pit for a while cause I didn’t know how to get of it. I had three options, I could either allow this to affect me, pretend like I was not affected and ‘move on’ or deal with everything I felt and actually move on. The third was the best but the hardest. So once I came to my senses, I began to deal with my pain head on. I never wanted my past hurts to dictate my future. Even though, in this process of dealing and healing, the pain was unbearable at points --- I still wouldn’t change what happened. God mended my heart. It honestly feels like a brand new heart. There also had to be a renewing of my mind. 

Personally, I had to first decide if I could trust God (by the way, ‘saying it’ and ‘doing it’ are two very different things) and completely let go of my past. That was my biggest struggle cause there was a familiarity and comfort level that I had with my past. Being obedient and letting go was a decision I had to make before anything else could take place. Next was forgiveness. Not just forgiving myself but the person involved. This was deep rooted and required a lot of time and prayer. It was connected to anger, rejection, pride, etc. It didn’t leave overnight. For me, it involved tears and a whole period of just getting everything out of my system. I did this by talking to God and certain people that God put in my life with sound advice. There were back and forth steps between letting go and forgiveness as sometimes I felt I took one step forward…then go two steps back (honestly, don’t give up when that happens). But God was working. I just didn’t understand His plans. I had to keep surrendering everything to God, including my dreams, desires, destiny, etc. I found that the issues in my life began to surface or resurface. I had to deal with sin that was so engrained in my life that I didn’t know it was wrong to feel those things. Whether it was insecurity, fears, loneliness, etc. There was a desperation for healing. Healing was taking place…..with God dealing with details from my past that I carried with me. But it required me to accept the correction and be obedient to everything that surfaced. Then one day, I felt a snap and I was liberated! I was free! I never knew I could feel that way…..I didn’t think it was possible. The joy and peace I felt in my heart (Philippians 4:6-7 with emphasis on ‘and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus’)….it definitely was a miracle cause I am currently in the best place I have ever been. There is a confidence in God that I never had before. I speak with conviction cause no one can tell me that my God cannot come through. I know if He didn’t allow something, its because He has a better plan. That plan might involve pain…..but there is a joy in suffering that Paul spoke about…..that I can finally say, I may have felt a little of that. His presence were tangible at points and my relationship with my Saviour is like never before. 

My prayer is that in whatever circumstance I am in that I have joy. I know that in His presence, there is fullness of joy. That’s why I choose His ways and not mine. Heartbreak, whether with family members or non-family members, cannot be avoided but how you deal (or not deal) with it is the key to a better or worse version of you. Bring God into the process of dealing and it will save you from wandering in the wilderness into walking into the Promise Land. 

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