Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Celebrate Him :)

The gift of Christ is so unique and when you unpack this gift.....it is full of surprises! Its the kind of gift that opens into another gift, that gift into another and this keeps going on. The best kind of gift! The first gift is opened to all....its whether you want to receive that Gift. It is life-changing when we accept Him as our Lord and Saviour. Today we celebrate the gift of Christ together. From every part of the world, people look to the Father to thank Him for His Son, Jesus Christ. Gosh, how much I love this God who loved me before I did that He sent His Only Son for such a messy and painful affair. I pray that this Christmas, in whatever situation you are in, that you celebrate His life. Enjoy your family, friends, food and presents but ensure Jesus is in the center. It makes the best kind of celebration :). 

Me :) 

P.S Blessed Christmas.   

Wednesday, 18 December 2013


Spring cleaning! In Malaysia we do not experience spring therefore I never quite got why we call it spring cleaning in my sunny/rainy-all year round-country. In actual fact the term spring cleaning was coined to describe ‘the practice of thoroughly cleaning a house in the springtime’….. it ‘refers to the yearly act of cleaning a house from top to bottom which would take place in the first warm days of the year typically in spring, hence the name’ (thank you Wikipedia for the help). Anyways, I find it quite interesting how this tradition of doing a major clean-up before a new year or a warmer time has been a common practice in different cultures. There is the Jewish Passover (celebrated to remember the journey of the Jews out of the land of Eygpt into the Promise Land), Iranian New Year (Norouz), Chinese New Year, etc. I believe the major clean-up is symbolic to put the old year behind and start the year fresh!

In my family, the major clean-up is before Christmas and the New Year. We change the curtains, dust, fix, throw-out, wash, sometimes buy new furniture and (in my case) get rid of old clothes to make room for new ones (yay!)– it all happens at the same time, early to mid December. Of course you do cleaning in the middle of the year but its nothing like this ‘heavy duty cleaning’ in December. It’s the time you discover the whereabouts of the dress you accused your sister of losing, the unworn-shirt that you just couldn’t leave the shop without purchasing/ just knew you HAD to get it there and then!, the gift from someone you cared about and is not in your life anymore, the journal that you wrote when you were ‘Oh so young’ and now you think ‘I was oh so naïve’ to ‘if I only knew then, what I know now things would have been far less painful’, etc. Somehow when you find these things – life becomes a little clearer and in my case, I become so much more thankful. Other than finally going through all my junk, throwing tons of stuff and having a much cleaner room, I thank God that to some measure I’ve become wiser. I was able to let go of many things in my past that cluttered my space, thoughts, heart, and took a little of my strength. Being able to leave the year that I grew so familiar with….from the smells, sights, sounds and the ‘organized’ mess (that only I could find my way around) to fresh, new, optimistic new beginnings of a new year is a great feeling. This was a good year but when we get too comfortable we do not make room for God to do a brand new work in us - to enable us to do great exploits. The challenges of a new year can excite or cause fear. Starting on the right note helps.

Looking heavenward is a good way to start the year even if the year doesn’t turn out the way we want it to. We know that He is in the year and He will carry us through if we allow Him too. What does God have in store for 2014? I’m excited with what He wants to do with me next year. I’m trusting God to work the impossible with you and me.

Enjoy Christmas and the gift of giving. Celebrate Christ.


Friday, 6 December 2013

Character vs. Comfort

If you had to choose, would you pick character over comfort or vice versa? If you were asked to go to a poverty stricken community to help for an unspecified amount of time and were told that you would not have an easy time but you will come out of the experience totally changed (in an amazingly good way of course *smiles*). No educational institution or book would give you such a life-changing education. Would you go or would comfort hold you back? Honestly, I would pick character but its easy to answer when I have comfort. God has blessed me abundantly and I am not in want. Its definitely a gift from God. What if those comforts were taken away? Would my answer be the same. I’ve been serving in church since I was 11 years old (minus 1 or 2 years in between). But I’ve never served in hard conditions. The thought of doing missions work is something that I know will not be easy for me. However I do know I will be deeply involved in it one day. I pray to God that when the time comes - a deep, passionate desire to go wherever He sends me will burn within me.

There are decisions we make everyday in which we unconsciously choose either comfort or character. I’m sure there is a blend of both in some decisions. However there are decisions that clearly show what we treasure - whether or not we should go the extra mile for someone else, make a stand or not, take up a task or not add more to our plate, pushing through the tough time or giving up, etc. There are times we want the easy way out but perhaps those tasks are there to develop our character (if you are the sort that does not know how to say no, this is not for you. Learn how to say no sometimes). We are the only ones in our way to becoming more like Christ. Romans 13:14 says ‘put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts’. We give the devil too much credit when our God has given us the tools to overcome through His Word. Whether its our mind, will or emotion that is in the way, the Lord has given us a guide to overcome. Sometimes it’s ignorance, lack of prayer or lack of trust that are in our way. I guess that is when we choose foolishness over wisdom. We should step out of our comfort zone. I’ve learnt that my obedience to the will of God is the wisest way to live life. However sometimes I’m stubborn but ‘when I fall on my face, I fall on His grace. I’ve got no excuse, I run to Him’ (from the song Run to you by Unspoken). When you choose His will which is to put on Christ everyday and be in line with His purposes for your life, you choose character. Trust in Him, you will breeze through it and find joy in the hard times. 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Speaking in tongues: To do or not to do?

“Speaking in tongues is so weird. People look kinda crazy doing it!” Speaking in tongues is a controversial topic but people need to know what the Bible says…not their pastor, youth leader, etc. I learned so much from my Bible with the help of a man of God, Frank Hank, and some of my findings to set a basic framework. I hope what I am learning helps you. I do not want to mislead you *nervous*, so I've backed my questions with verses. Here goes.

Speaking in tongues:
  1. What is it?
1 Corinthians 14:2 says “for he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries” (secrets divinely revealed).

  1. What are the purposes of speaking in tongues?
(a)   Personal use: It is used for personal prayer and give thanks to God (1 Corinthians 14:14,17). It’s a ‘private self-edification’ (1 Corinthians 14:4) that is for spiritual strengthening. It is a vital part of your spiritual growth.
(b)  Corporate use: Tongues cannot be understood but there is such a thing as interpretation of tongues (which is equivalent to the gift of prophecy). It is used to ‘edify, exhort and comfort’ those whom the interpretation is for (a person, the church, etc.) (1 Cor 14:3).

  1. Do ALL believers have the gift of speaking in tongues?
Yes, its in the Great Commission. Mark 16:15-18 says “15 And Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover”. Its for all for we are all called to speak the Good News.
Note that in verse 5 of 1 Corinthians chapter 14, ‘I wish you all spoke with tongues’….we must realize that this was for a ‘carnal church’, Corinth was a city that was involved in sexual immorality. It does not mean that they cannot have the gift but they have not received it and Paul (who writes it) wishes they would.

  1. Is there an Old Testament mention of speaking in tongues?
Yes! It is first mentioned in the Bible in Isaiah 28:9-13. First it talks about how men of God learnt by memorizing scripture (Old Testament) “Precept upon precept, line upon line….” then it introduces the ‘stammering of lips and another tongue’ as a way that men of God will learn directly from God in a state of rest and it will be refreshing. Tongues was introduced as a way of being taught by God. This is a New Testament revelation when the Holy Spirit was sent. Instead of sending His angel to teach us, the Father sent the best teacher….His Holy Spirit. How can you doubt His love!

I believe in the using the gift of tongues as it unlocks the mysteries of Christ. Its not something you understand with human intellect. You may ask me, ‘Isn’t it weird saying things you do not understand?’. At first it was odd. After seconds of doing it, it felt so right. It actually felt perfect. It is only when you open yourself to the Holy Spirit can you be filled by God. The gift of tongues connects the spirit of man to the Spirit of God….that is where He fills you supernaturally. There is so much more to this….I just skimmed the surface.

So yes, speaking in tongues.....a should do. You will never regret it :). Note: just cause you are unable to speak in tongues, doesn't mean you do not believe in Christ! Speaking in tongues is a tool to search and communicate the deeper things of the Spirit therefore everyone is able to receive this gift.
Hope it helped you as it helped me. 

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

My 6 secrets to enjoying singlehood

‘Look at you, being all awesome as a single’. I must say it was really nice to hear that from a close girlfriend of mine. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still hoping this season ain’t forever and no, I do not have all the answers. A blog I wrote a few months ago will give you some background (Being single....a gift?). ‘Singlehood’ to so many means that a person ‘lacks something’ (whatever that may be). Its like that line from Jerry Maguire (1996), “you complete me”. Its this notion that there is a guy (or girl) that would complete you as a person or make you whole. I totally disagree. Everything I say is based on my own life experiences and what the Lord is teaching me through my own singleness. These are my secrets to enjoying singlehood:

1.   Resolve to enjoy your singlehood.
I made a decision to enjoy my singlehood. Be content. It all began with God dealing with my issues on a personal level (insecurities, rejection, etc.) and one day….after many prayers and lots of honest dealings with my issues….something snapped within me. There was an indescribable joy from within. I made a decision that I will be content in whatever season. It was my time to enjoy the Lord (just me and Him) and enjoying where I am at now on the way to where I am going – for I will not get this back. It was a true realisation that it is God who completes us and not a human being.

2.   Loving who you are and discovering the love of God (that cannot be earned).
I cannot emphasize this more. Love who you are. You are beautifully and wonderfully made. If you do not believe it, ask God to help you with it (I did). He loves you - imperfections, chubby, warts and all. He loved you before you loved Him. He is NOT waiting for you to be perfect or for you to love Him first before He loves you. Sometimes His love allows hard times to come, to turn you from evil to His loving arms. It is in those arms that you will know unadulterated, pure love. Not through any man or woman. Until you have discovered the love that laid down His life for you….you will always have an emptiness that cannot be filled by any other. The person you marry should complement you but he or she will never fill the void that only God can fill. 

3.   Enjoy discovering or knowing who are you.
Being single, does not mean you sit and wait for a guy or go on the prowl looking for a man. Do things you love, meet people, learn to give your time and things your hold dear to others (it does not come naturally, but it sure does teach you a lot) and most importantly, be where God wants you to be. Your focus should not be a man or woman but Jesus Christ. I’m enjoying my profession, travelling, meeting people and doing ministry. Ladies, please find out what you love and do not base it on what your (future) guy likes. Have your own set of friends (other than the ones you have in common), know how you like your eggs cooked and do not constantly say “I’ll have what he is having”. 

4.   Realising that your issues will not disappear when you get married or when someone else (esp the opposite gender) validates you. 
Deal with the baggage now (of course not all will be dealt with). Even if we do not get married, dragging your baggage is not a healthy thing and that weight you carry makes you unhappy. We all come with our own issues. Insecurities, rejection, bitterness, etc. Bring your issues before God…..do not worry He will not fall off His throne if He knew what is exactly is in your heart! Honey, He already knows ALL things. Even before you did. Through Him there is freedom. So let it all out. Tell him exactly whats in your heart. “Lord, I’m jealous of …..because …..”, “Lord, I keep having impure thoughts when I……”. Anything that is contradictory to His ways is not good. ‘Its normal’ or ‘its what everyone else does’ is not a good excuse to continue in sin. Once you are convicted (and it includes that still, small voice telling you to walk away), ask God to work with you. Once He starts working with your issues, your thought processes begin to change and you will begin to love who God created. Sometimes it happens overnight….most times, it’s a process. Sometimes we are the reason for the delay. Obedience makes the process a lot shorter.  

5.   Counting the blessing that comes in this time of singlehood. Forget the “if onlys”.
Seriously, count your blessings. So much is given that we are not thankful for, yet we want more. Every time I want something I do not have, I literally count my blessing one by one and hand all my ‘shoulda, woulda, coulda’ and ‘if onlys’ to the Lord. No turning back.

6.   Most importantly, pray.
Prayer is vital in the happy, sad and in between times. I constantly remind myself to put God on my first ‘go-to’ in whatever situation (it’s a struggle to make it a habit, but I strongly suggest that you do it). You will always need prayer to help you through the times when you feel the pressure of being in a relationship or settling down. It is not easy, I know. Prayer is not just a time for you to let your frustrations out but most importantly, to hear from God and His voice guiding you. The strength and joy is from Him.

The Lord is your strength and fortress. Do not fear.

Me :)

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Confessions of a ‘Recovering Perfectionist’

My perfectionist-self finds comfort in order and makes little space for spontaneity. This is based on self-analysis and thankfully its something that is changing. As a ‘Recovering Perfectionist’, part of my remedy is confessing and asking God to heal and save me from this ‘condition’ especially when I get upset when someone (even myself) messes with my ‘perfectly-planned’ schedule or if my plans for my future do not turn out the way I want it to. I have a goal I am working towards. My aim in life is to seek to put Christ first in EVERYTHING and ANYTHING in my life (inspired by Matt 6:33(a)). Had to use the capitals to get the message across, in case you missed it. Letting go and trusting God is my word in season. As I told someone the other day, it is a sin not to trust God because it proves our lack of belief in Him.

Time is of the essence. Everything points to the second coming of Christ. But I must always remember that the way God does things is different from me and therefore I must align my will, emotion, heart and mind to His will for my life. I must do it everyday cause sometimes I can go pretty off tangent. I feel things must move at a certain pace (usually fast) when most times in the Kingdom of God, growth is slow. Notice how the bible uses the growth of a seed to a plant/tree as an analogy. That process is not overnight. A farmer plants the seed and waits. In that season of waiting, the farmer waters and cares for the plant in faith that the little seed will produce a beautiful plant that bears much fruit. During the growth, the plant needs to be pruned, trimmed and in some cases cut down, totally uprooted or it just dies. I’m sharing all these things cause even though I have known this, I need to be reminded not to go ahead of God but walk with Him through life. Trust Him as there is a time and season for everything. I’m learning not to take matters into my own hands. I find comfort in the scripture in Ecclesiastes.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-14
"There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:
    a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
    a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
    a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
    a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.
What do workers gain from their toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear Him."

I will end this with the Word to minister to you. Prayer is essential as it moves the hand of God. As a recovering perfectionist, my advice to you is not to control everything in the known universe. Time is in His hands. Seek Him and let Him lead and guide you. All moves according to His time.

Shalini x

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Confronting the lie: God won’t give you more than you can handle

“God never gives you more than you can handle”. I remember someone telling me that….heck, I have even used that!! It is not true though. If He allowed or gave me what I can handle, when will I not rely on self and rely totally on Him. The article below is so honest and true. How do you explain that to the little girl who is raped by the father she trusted, the citizens in war-torn countries that are not sure if they will live another day, the prisoner that was judged unfairly, etc. I pray this article by Nate Pyle blesses you.

Confronting the lie: God won’t give you more than you can handle

Me :)

Sunday, 22 September 2013

My Gratitude List!!

With a tissue box as my best friend and pills as my hope for relief, I was stuck in bed two days before my birthday. It was between bed and school for most part of the week. Not the way I hoped to spend it but thankfully I felt much better on my birthday….not in the physical condition that I anticipated but guess what! It was one of the best birthdays I have ever had. Not just because I got really nice/special presents and delicious dinner with my amazing family but because there is such an excitement within me about the year ahead and enjoying the journey that I am on right now to getting there. I know this year will be better than any of the years before cause everything within me cries “No one could have done this work within me except Jesus!”. If I began listing all the things I am thankful and happy about on paper….you might just get bored but to me….its my testimony.

A brief list to my actual extensive list (like a macro to my micro list):
  1. First and foremost, that I have grown in my love for and knowledge of Jesus. That I encountered Him in an amazing way in my despair.
  2. My Father in Heaven has blessed me tremendously in ways I cannot express in words. There is a joy and peace within me that was never there before (my stubbornness to His will was the cause of the delay *yikes*).
  3. He is more real and involved in my daily life than ever before. The best part is….the more involved He is….the more blessed I am personally, financially, professionally, etc. He is so interested in every detail that it boggles me just how interested He is in my life.
  4. That I have a roof over my head (which is a beautiful house), clean water, good food and a healthy/functioning body.
  5. The amazing inventions that make my life comfortable/ make things fast and easy such fans, air-conditioners (for really hot days), taps/shower (I do not need to get water from a well), the internet, my new iPhone (I love it!), my laptop, etc. Got to love these inventions!
  6. My family that have always been my support system and so patient when I have not been the best person to be around.
  7. My close friends that are grounded women and men with amazing hearts.
  8. My job that gives me so much joy and tests my character every day! It shows me the kind of person I am and molds me to the person I want to be.
  9. The gifts I have or have developed over time.
  10. The person that I have become from the shy, awkward, geeky little girl that I was.

Sometimes things do not work out the way you want it to be. In my case, I prayed about the things I want in life. Jesus has been part of my decisions from a very young age. Many of the times, I do not get what I want. Honestly, I get a much better thing that I expected. Its ALWAYS been like that and I am soooooo grateful for that cause His ways have always been much, much better than mine. That’s why I ask for what I want and I trust God to either grant me my request or a much better thing. Sometimes that much better thing leads to hardship for a greater purpose….but I know He sees me through it all. He sees me through every season and I have no lack.

If life is empty for you or if it is not working for you, I want to introduce you to Jesus. Trust my Jesus and your life will be forever changed cause He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. All you need is a little faith. Nothing can be more right than allowing Him into your life. 

Your friendly blogger :)

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Exciting times ahead :)

“Madam, you are getting old!” my beautiful bright-eyed 16 year old student said as a comment to yet another mistake I made as I scribbled the solution to a very long and tedious mathematics question on the board. It was just one of those day where I was so spaced out. A primary school student could have pointed out the mistakes I was making hence her smart-alec retort. And yes, my students call me ‘madam’ instead of ‘miss’. I’m young and single…of course I’m not thrilled about being called madam (haha!). Anyway, going back to my story. My student had this glee on her face obviously very pleased with herself. For a while I thought, ‘oh yikes, I’m getting older’….but the more I thought about questions like ‘am I doing what I like?’ and ‘what I’ve achieved to date?’, I actually felt good! This is new cause I’m usually quite critical of myself. It is definitely a positive sign for a ‘Recovering Perfectionist’ such as myself :). By the way, note how we have those reflective thoughts when its our birthday or the start of a new year. This birthday is different – I feel good, excited even.

This year for my birthday, I am doing something different. I started my own short fast for 7 days (7 as it biblically represents perfection) before my birthday. Fasts are never easy for me (for others too…but for different reasons) cause I have sudden cravings….and its random! Like a pregnant woman (laugh). Plus, due to health reasons I am not able to take a full fast. Due to the health reasons, I took a liquid fast. The reason I am saying this is because as I have been fasting I realise that it is no good if I fast without spending time with God. The point of the fast is to seek God as I celebrate my 28th year and move into the next. I do not want to fast for the sake of fasting but with the purpose of seeking and surrendering my life to God. To rely on Him as my source of strength and hear from Him. As much as fasting may categorise me as a ‘religious person’, I do not want to be a religious person but a person that is seeking a deeper relationship with my Saviour. I need Him. I’m nothing without Him. He makes me a better person. On my own….I’m full of sin. As I seek Him, He reveals the secret of my heart that He needs to 'renew and regenerate' (Titus 3:5). I’m sharing this because I know this fast has helped me and perhaps you might want to do the same for your birthday as a consecration.

I’m a list maker. This year my aim is to make Him my priority – in my personal life, family, job, etc. I do not know where this year will take me but its never been a bore with Him by my side. My soul soars as I look into this coming year and I am full of hope and faith.

‘The Recovering Perfectionist’

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Choosing joy

The words that was once spoken over my life sometime back was that I would have “joy, joy more abundant”. Believe me, I am still praying for that to be a reality! Joy comes from knowing that God is always in control. I’m not sure about you but I think you can tell when people try/pretend  to be happy from those who have genuine joy. The reason I use ‘try’ or ‘pretend’ is because some try out of their own will to be happy to cover their unhappiness, some want to give people the idea that their lives are perfect (I guess it is so that people might want to be like them or it covers the emptiness they feel on the inside), while there are others who do it to please other people. I can relate to this cause I have tried to mask my insecurities and loneliness with a smile. But there was always a glimmer of sadness if you looked closer. It is probably why I can spot a person who battles this (most of the time). The lack of joy in my life stemmed from many deep rooted issues. It was like a spiral moving downwards. It was one of my toughest battles but through healing especially in the area of insecurity, I now know and experience the joy of the Lord. Christ helped (still helps) my overwhelmed heart by being my source of strength to overcome.

One of the things I was led to do in my healing in a particular season in my life was to study the word ‘joy’ using the Word of God. No resources other than the concordance. I spoke the Words I read from the Bible out loud. A few verses that will help you:

Phil 4:4 - Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!
(note: this is a choice)

1 Thes 5: 16 – Rejoice always
(that’s all the verse says! Only those two words!)

Psalms 30:11 – You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness.

Psalms 30:5- For His anger is but for a moment,
His favour is for life;
Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.

Psalms 16:11 – You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Isaiah 61:3 – “To console those who mourn in Zion,
To give them beauty for ashes,
The oil of joy for mourning,
The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
That they may be called trees of righteousness,
The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”

As I began dealing, I knew I was not battling against flesh and blood but against powers, mights and dominions that are contrary to God. It was a choice to allow the Lord to ‘put off my sackcloth and cloth me with gladness’. I had to put on the ‘garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness’. To praise God even when I did not feel like it cause praising and worshipping God is a weapon against the evil one. It would not seem in the natural realm to work but it so does! If you do not take my word, trust in His Word. So when you walk out the door everyday, begin by praising and worshipping Him for all that He is and then choosing to put on joy. Again, you make the choice to put on joy and He will do the work. The time it takes for you to know that true joy will be based on your obedience (from the heart) to His voice as He works with you.

Be blessed and be a blessing x

Sunday, 1 September 2013

3 major lessons in 3 weeks

Its been nearly a month since my last blog. So much has happened….from the dealings of God with the inner workings of my heart to the realisation of my complacency in my walk with God to my first attempt (with a gorgeous girlfriend of mine) to introduce a stranger to Jesus in the middle of a busy coffee shop. Its been exciting -- even in the painful corrections that I have been going through. Mainly due to my stubbornness. Looks like I am not the only one having a lot happening. My country just celebrated her 56th Independence day. I dare to say that we are a long (long, long, long) way from the Malaysia I dream it could be. But I believe that if the church rises up, we can be that sheep nation that the Lord has purposed us to be. Also pretty significant that on our Independence Day we had a water cut in our capital city….don’t you think? Anyways, also in the last week, Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke caused quite a  stir in the media. How easy it is for us to judge huh? Honestly, I was so disturbed (mainly cause of the influence they would have on society esp teenagers)….at the same time my heart broke for both of them. Jarrid Wilson’s open letter to Miley Cyrus was a letter that I thought spoke the heart of God. If you have not read it, click on http://jarridwilson.com/an-open-letter-to-miley-cyrus/.

Lessons during the last 3 weeks:

1) Moving out of my comfort zone

The truth is….if we are not moving out of your comfort zone to tell people about the life giving power of the cross, we are selfish! I am guilty of it too. Yes I am a worship lead, play the keyboard, lead a youth group, am a teacher advisor for my school’s Christian fellowship and write a blog. But in all that I do, I give what is convenient for me. In some twisted way, I have been giving into the Kingdom of God with the subconscious thought that God must bless me now. Like He owes me. I feel ugly on the inside for feeling that way. This is the part that God has been working with me lately. When I realised just how selfish my motives were, God began to show me the hidden agendas as He searched my heart and brought my motives to light. But here is the thing, He is helping me deal with it bit by bit cause He knows how much I can take.

As He enables me to step out of my comfort zone, I also need to draw strength from Him to do what He wants me to do. Sometimes it requires me taking a step of faith and talking to my friends about just how amazing Jesus Christ is. I pray they do not ‘unfriend’ me. But it’s a chance I have to take cause I need to let them know about Jesus and His love.

2) Watch my tongue

Being quick to judge is something that happens naturally. Sometimes we do not realise we are doing it. But when we even think it, we have sinned. Why is God’s standards so high? Cause it all starts with what is in the heart that becomes a thought. The mouth speaks what is in our heart. It all starts from the heart to the mind. I have said some harsh things which cut so deep. It is cause I keep my feeling bottled up and it lashes out when I have had enough. Sounds scary and yes, it is. I need to continuously compare myself to the standards that God has set before me. Not so that people call me a good person. I will never reach perfection but I must continue to strive towards it. All of this is a process -- with Jesus as the leader and sustainer.

3) Start something…..see it to the end.

I notice how so many times I have an idea but I do not always see it to the end. Its not a good trait to have. I recently started a project with my youths called the ‘Love Project’ and my task is to see it to the end by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Therefore it must be based on prayer and the Word. I also need to realise I am human and only take on what I feel led to take on. Not take on everything and also learn to say 'no' when its too much.

I'm enjoying this walk with Jesus. Only He can make lessons interesting even when its uncomfortable. 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

He is jealous for me

He is jealous for me,
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions
eclipsed by glory, and I realize just how beautiful You are
And how great Your affections are for me
lyrics to ‘How He Loves’ written by John Mark McMillian.

Did you know one of the names of God is ‘Jealous’?  Exodus 34:14 says “(for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God)” (emphasized in Joshua 24:19, Psalms 79:5). For the longest time, I viewed being jealous as something that was bad/negative. In other words, if you are jealous, you had a problem. But there is jealousy that is justifiable. In Bill Gothard’s book, ‘Our Jealous God’, Gothard uses the example of a husband and wife. I’m paraphrasing it but I would suggest you read the book. He states that a wife who notices that her husband has a wandering eye (in other words, checks out other women) has the right to be jealous as he has vowed ‘forsaking all others’ he will cling to her and be devoted to her. How she reacts to that feeling may not be right but that feeling of jealousy is warranted. Gothard continued by saying that marriage is a ‘covenant relationship and in such a union there can be no tolerance of any competing affection….they both vowed before God that they would cherish each other and love each other with all their hearts’. She wants his eyes and whole heart therefore those vows that they made allows her to have the right to expect these things.

Just like the wife who watches the eyes of her husband, the Lord watches the eyes of my heart. When my heart brightens up more for someone or something other than Him, His Spirit grieves. His Spirit yearns jealously (James 4:5). The truth is…..my Creator, the one who created this whole world and everything in it, is jealous for me!! To cause Him to grieve….I don’t understand how I….I who have nothing…..could grieve a God who has everything. He does not force me to obey Him even though He has the power to. He did something else…..He sent His Only Son to die for me to prove His love. A God that has everything….sent His Son to be a mere man just so that I would be saved. He does not need me, He wants me! This Jealous God is all about enabling me to experience Him in my everyday walk, to grow in Him and excelling in my endeavors through His mighty power. People have this warped sense that God wants them to lead boring lives….but godly lives does not mean boring. It just means you believe that a fun life is a life in sin? A godly life means a life that knows we live by grace cause we are with sin but strives towards a life without sin. Just like Paul mentioned in Phil 3:12-14, Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do,forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

My Lord pursues me. I think that’s amazing. Now that I have tasted Him. Taken a drink from His well spring of life….my desire is to know and be faithful to Him. I falter many times but I know He does not let me go. There is nothing in life that I regret cause it has all brought me closer to Him. My prayer everyday is that I love the Lord my God with all of my heart, with all of my soul, with all of my mind and with all of my strength (Mark 12:30). Through that I know that I will always seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all other things will be added unto me (Matt 6:33).

Loved by Him xoxo

Thursday, 1 August 2013

The Power of Encouragement

In the school that I work in, we have Chapel for Christian students on Thursdays mornings. Today, the speaker spoke on the popular story of David and Goliath. The speaker used the message to encourage the students to do great things even if people have said things over the years that have put them down. David had that same problem. His brothers, King Saul and David’s enemy looked down on him. If David listened to their negative remarks, felt discouraged or offended, he would have never defeated Goliath and he will never be the great man of God that the Bible tells us about. That message was an amazing inspiration to my students. That encouragement spoke to all of us in that hall that opened our heart to the Word. My students walked into class still talking about how blessed they were by that message.

I’ve had people in my life that have encouraged me so much and helped me become who I am today….at the same time, I have had many that tried to put me down. The great thing about the way God created me is that, most of the time, I do not remember the negative words. Or perhaps I forget a lot! Haha. It’s the best thing cause I forget most bad things so fast. I believe it’s the Lord who heals me from those words. Most of all, reading and meditating on His Word has been the reason for my healing. Someone told me today that as Christians, we never should be offended. That is true, we should never be offended. But here is the truth, we do! So instead of pretending that we do not get offended, we must find the root of that offence. Offence stem from anger and bitterness that escalate and are expressed through words that can kill and destroy. Choose your words wisely. Definitely much easier said than done! Sometimes I find myself saying things I regret. As soon as it leaves my lips or after I let all my frustrations out, I know I caused damage. By then, its too late cause I have spoken without a thought or regard of how the other person would take it. The more I look back at my own words, I realize I tend to be so busy pointing another’s mistake when I am speaking from my own hurt. A person that is hurt always complains and reacts harshly to another with hurtful words. There is a difference between wit and plain-old-mean sarcasm.

If we keep saying negative things, we are exercising that bad attitude until it becomes a difficult habit to breakaway from. If we ask God to heal our heart from the hurts (dealing with our past) that causes us to say words that tear down and begin to train ourselves to edify another, we will find that it is easier giving compliments and encouraging. People will enjoy being around us. This week make it a point to focus on other people, encouraging and building them. We will be blessed.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Another Enlightened Saturday Morning

There is nothing quite like a quiet Saturday morning – sleeping in, having my favourite breakfast and later just enjoying a mug coffee with my bible. Especially after a long week! I begin by thanking Him for firstly knowing Him and being chosen to serve Him, the great people or things He has given me, etc. I also ask Him for the Word He has to speak to me – whether it is correction, instruction, edification, etc. This morning He put a person on my heart that I have not completely forgiven for the things she did. To me, I thought I had forgiven her cause I repented of my sin of unforgiveness. But now, He wanted me to get in contact with her. When the thought of writing to her gave me an uncomfortable feeling, I knew He was right….I still had some issues. My thoughts were “what do I say?”, “how do I say it?”, etc. I love the way the Lord brings things back into my mind when the time is right. I know that to work through it, I need to be obedient to His voice. That’s the hard part. But if I continue keeping my heart open to correction and be willing to learn…..God, who has ‘brought me out of darkness into His marvelous light’, causes me to claim the victory to bring about forgiveness and reconciliation.

The Lord does not bring all my sins out at one go and say “deal with all your sins now!” (thank God!). Before we accept Christ as our Lord, we are under the ‘unrestrained power of our sin nature (our flesh)’. The day we accepted Christ, He forgave us of our sins and we now have the power to overcome sin through the blood of Jesus. It does not mean our sinful nature vanished into thin air. It means that Jesus has given us the grace and power not to be controlled by the love of sin or its ruling power over our lives.

In Roman 6 we find that Paul says that we have died to sin and therefore should no longer live in it. Many get confused with this. A student asked me “Jesus died for my sins. So that means He forgave me for sins and defeated sin. So that means I don’t have any sin now. He knows my sin, so He has forgiven all my sins (past, present and future)”. She even quoted Romans 6. Now being dead to sin means not being in control of its ruling power. People, Jesus isn’t Santa Clause! He is in the business of saving souls not giving us a loophole to continue in sin. We are born with sin nature and have a continual choice everyday whether to yield ourselves to sin or to God. Sin destroys what is good in our lives therefore we must not let it reign in our lives. As a believer, I must still confess my sins. 1 John 1:8-9 “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  That is why it is said in Romans 6: 6 “…that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin”. It means that when I accepted Christ, sin lost its grip on me and I can now overcome sin through the blood of Jesus and His resurrection power. It does not mean that my sin automatically no longer exists or is extinct but are dead to sins enslaving power!

Reason I see unforgiveness as something that I should never condone (even though I ‘know’ I am right!) is cause the Lord’s prayer says “forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us”. I’m not saying be a push over but forgiving someone is not merely just for them but more for our own soul. So here goes….do not be like the servant, in Matt 18, that owed his master an unpayable debt and was forgiven his debt but could forgive another who owed him significantly less. Jesus forgave us of ALL our sin and saved us from the pit of hell yet we find it hard to forgive someone of a much smaller debt. John Bevere put it this way….in Matt 18:12, Jesus says that we must forgive 70 times 7 times a day! 490 times a day! Which means (excluding sleep), we must forgive three times every minute. Now that just NUTS! That’s why its only through the grace and power of Jesus that we can live. I do not know any other way…..


Monday, 22 July 2013

Part 2: Someone "hot" is not a good ending point :p

Now that I have shown a link for the single men....its time to look at the pointers, given by Jen Smidt, for the ladies. Now we have "8 things to convince you of a man's character". For us ladies, we subconsciously are looking for Mr. Perfect. We are up for tremendous disappointment if we look for perfection in a man. Its too much pressure on them too. Movies only increases our disillusion :(. Plus, we are not perfect.....and if you think you are, maybe you should think again. I pray this article gives you insight. Enjoy.


Shalini :)

Friday, 19 July 2013

Someone "hot" is not a good ending point :p

This is for all the single guys out there. For all the single ladies to know and cultivate......me included. This is good advice. From guy friends who aim for trophy girlfriends or wives ("my life would be perfect if I married _______(who is extremely hot)") to the ones who are discouraged by their nightmare girlfriends or exs ("if only she....."), sometimes you choose not to see the signs of a potentially 'hell-like' relationship cause you are in awe of her looks. You might find this article helpful. Enjoy.

Have an amazing Saturday :)


Saturday, 13 July 2013

Being Extraordinary!

When I first started writing blogs, my cousin told me “I did not know you are so religious”. I wasn’t sure what to think of that comment. Honestly, I was a bit worried because being religious tends to have a negative connotation. Thoughts rushed into my head……from thoughts that I might fall into the stereotype of the religious people that are considered self-righteous, prudish, sanctimonious, boring, narrow-minded, ‘goody-goody’, etc. to the notion that my cousin might never be open with me again cause he might be afraid that I will preach to him or judge him. I was not thrilled about the whole thing. I had to stop myself cause I then realised that it was all a lie. Satan used my cousin’s comment to bring out my fears. When people saw Jesus, they did not think that he was religious (in a negative way)….the Pharisees were religious. He was pure, righteous and holy but he was never prudish or boring….he was controversial. He spoke of the love of God, taught thought-provoking teachings through parables, did many signs and wonders, showed love to the prostitutes, poor and less fortunate, showed a whole new way of life in the most creative way,etc. He was extraordinary! No one had seen or heard anyone like Him. Here is the best part….in John 14:12-14, Jesus promises that we will do greater things than these! He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. 13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” Wow! How much He loves us that, through the grace of God, He has empowered us to do extraordinary things. My God is just THAT AWESOME! :)

My question is, ‘why do many of us have a defeatist attitude?’ I want to do extraordinary things…probably why I enjoy reading and watching autobiographies of amazing people. Great men and women fascinate me! Daniel is one of my favourite men in the Bible. Daniel 6:3 states that “Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit (extraordinary spirit) was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm”. John Bevere points out in one of his sermons that Jesus said ‘there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he’. Bevere continues to point out that John the Baptist was greater than Daniel, which means we have the capacity, through grace, to do greater things than even Daniel. Not just them, but also Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, and most impressive, even Jesus. Jesus paid the price, the unpayable (is that even a word?) debt, to enable the grace of God to overflow. John 1:16 states that grace comes from the fullness of Christ which means that grace is ‘more than God’s disposition or impersonal favour’. It is when ‘God meets us in our point of need in the Person of Jesus Christ (including all His power and provision)’. John Bevere uses scripture to show that ‘grace is God’s empowerment that gives us the ability to go beyond our natural ability’. 2 Peter 1:3-4 says “His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises…..”. I was so touched by John Bevere's sermon that I had to share it. By His fullness we have all received and grace upon grace (John 1:16). These amazing words enable and empower us to be extraordinary people. We must claim it and be the best in whatever we do. Creative, innovative, exciting, passionate, great leaders, full of wisdom, etc. My father would always say that through Christ you can be the best teacher that touches thousands and thousands of lives. It is that empowering grace that Christ has given so freely that enables such greatness. I do not know about you….but today I’m claiming it. I have seen His grace in my studies (from a failure to the best), in my weaknesses (uses what I was weak in and makes it my strength to proclaim His power), in the way He has provided when things did not seem possible and how He has always given me my hearts desires. I also know that through His grace I will do great exploits for the Lord and never be less than extraordinary for His glory (not mine).

I pray you are excited about your journey to being extraordinary. I know I am :). 

Sunday, 7 July 2013

More than just me....

Death is not something I am afraid of. Honestly, I fear losing someone I love but not dying. I am so sure where I will go when I pass on but not having someone I love in my life here on earth….makes me wonder how I would cope. I know I will be fine but learning to deal with loss is hard. The more I think of it, I know that such a loss would test my trust in the Lord. This week, a young-28 year old teacher from my school died in his sleep due to a heart attack. It was as though a dark cloud had covered the school as we were all in shock and realised just how our lives are so fragile. Many teachers and students mourned his death…..the thought that they would never see him walk into their staffroom or classroom…never see him smile and say hi again. More than that, I wondered how his family members coped with the sudden death. We all knew it was most difficult for them. While so many things crossed our minds, I knew he went to be with the Lord. He is in a much better place.

Life is short. In this teacher’s case…it was a bit too short. I began to look back at my own life and realised that if I died tomorrow, there were things I would desperately want to do before (I know…to think of my own death is very morbid..haha). These things had nothing to do with the list of things I want to do at some point in my life like travelling to certain countries, bungee jump or swim with dolphins. I believe heaven has more wonderful things than what we have on earth. The things I want to do if I knew life would end tomorrow (gosh even typing it is weird) are with the people I love and also the people that I hurt or hurt me. To say ‘I love you’ and ‘thank you’ and do things that I know people I love want to do with me. To the ones I hurt, I want to say “I am so sorry for being a jerk” or a stumbling block to a better version of themselves. To the ones that hurt me, I want to let go of the offense ..cause it is not worth keeping that hurt. I believe these things matter especially asking for forgiveness from those we hurt. It makes a difference to them. I realise that my pride can deter the growth or discovery of Jesus of another. How can I be a light when I cannot ask for forgiveness or forgive another? Christianity shows, through the example of Jesus, that my life is more than me…..its all about Jesus. To reflect Jesus is to die to self. Sounds painful, but it is not painful if you trust God. If you knew you would not be here tomorrow, what would you do? Why not do that today? Just a thought ;)

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Giving even when you do not feel like it

“When in need of refreshment,
it isn’t easy to think of the needs of others……instead of
praying for my own comfort and satisfaction,
I ask the Lord to enable me to give to others,
an amazing thing happens –
I find my own needs wonderfully met” – Elisabeth Elliot.

I have learnt (still learning) how to give through the lives of my own family members. My parents named our home “Ephphatha”, which means “be opened”, and live up to the name. With love and warmth, my parents always have food to serve (sometimes its a miracle how we have enough to feed everyone), lots of smiles and never let anyone feel unwelcome. My sisters and some of my family members have also been that example to me. Their giving is contagious and I love that! :) I read the statement above by Elisabeth Elliot in one of my devotions and realised how true it is even in my own life. When I take the focus off me and on blessing someone else, I find my own needs met. Psalms 28:27 says, “He who gives to the poor will not lack, But he who hides his eyes will have many curses”. If you are one who does not know how to bless, you will find that you are an unsatisfied person. But as soon as you go against your own fears and sin nature and begin to give, you break strongholds in your life. Sometimes giving first begins with trusting God, by obeying His Word, that ‘you will reap what you sow’, ‘what you give will be given back to you’, etc. and then He does something in your heart causing strongholds over your heart to break. Strongholds such as love of money, fear of the future, inability to trust God, etc.

In todays world, we find that the media, therapists, self-help books, etc. tell us to focus on ourselves. It says “do everything to help yourself cause no one else will do it”. Yes, it is important to improve oneself but the focus should never be you. We cannot save ourselves….only pride believes that we can save ourselves. As a person that has accepted Jesus, we have received the freedom and liberty through the death and ressurection of Jesus…..He did something for us that we could not do for ourselves. He saved us. Christianity is based on love. Through the love we have received, we are able to give. Sometimes, bearing the burden of our friend frees us from things that hold us down in our own lives. By giving with sincerity, God promises blessings. 

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Dedicated to my girlfriends x

This blog is dedicated to my favourite girls :). I couldn't fit all of them in the picture below....but I tried. To my sisters (my best friends!), cousins, fantabulous close girlfriends and the girlies that have been such great people to be around. I have found a special blend of lovely women in my life that have made this life so much easier and entertaining. Especially my sisters who know all my faults and strengths and still love me! They are my best friends cause they are most happy when I am happy and not afraid to tell me if I am wrong (even when I am so insistent that I am right). Through it all I know they are always looking out for me.

To my cousins and close girlfriends who bring out my best and different sides of me. We’ve had many amazing memories together. Thanks for forgiving me when I fall short and sometimes neglect spending time with you. We have spent countless hours over coffee, watching movies, having girlie chats, trying to get fit, cooking, shopping, travelling together, arguing for silly reasons and making up, studying together, taking long drives, etc. Some of us now lead very different lives but when we are together it is as though we never parted. I am blessed to have you ladies in my life and I thank God for you. 

Shalini xx

Thursday, 20 June 2013

** Learning to be the light **

Last Sunday was so exciting…..I did my first ever sharing during the main service in church. Yes, a sermon! It was so exciting and terrifying all at the same time! I knew it was a great responsibility and that not everyone gets an opportunity like this. Even as I share, I still feel excited for what God is doing. When I was first told that I would be doing the sharing for our “Youth Sunday Service” (its when the youths in church take over the main service and give the adults a break) two weeks prior, I was naturally so nervous. My first few thoughts were “what would I say?”, “could I speak for an hour!?”, “I don’t think I’m ready for this!”. But it was simply amazing cause I had a peace about it even then. I knew everything would turn out which was not something I would usually do. And yes, God met me where I was to encourage me cause all I wanted was a sign about the topic I was going to talk about. The word ‘authority’ kept popping up in my mind. Not an easy topic to talk about….especially since I am a single 28 year old. At first, I thought I got the wrong topic cause it is such a big topic to take on. But God works differently….He wanted me to depend on Him for the knowledge. The Lord did not just give me one or two words/signs…..there were about 6 words/signs to confirm (through devotion, people). God knows I am an amatuer at this. Yet He bestowed the opportunity on me to tell His people something about ‘authority in the family’. Without even realizing it, I was sharing that topic on Father’s Day!! What were the odds of that happening! How He just plans everything so perfectly…..I am still in awe of how perfectly He times everything.

I’m learning everyday how to trust and obey the Lord and let go of the things I hold dear by handing it to Him. The more I trust and obey, the more I fall in love with Him. And now its not just a feeling, it has become a lifestyle. I do not know when that happened….it just developed over time. Its so true….the more you serve and give of your time, the more you love. It goes for not only God but people and things. Some people love their jobs or money a bit too much cause they serve and invest their time and money in it. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt 6:21). Loving the temporal things leaves so much room for disappointment. Living for Jesus, I’m enjoying it.

I’ve realized the work He is doing in me as He helps me deal with my issues. I know I should never play the game of ‘pretending my sin is not there’. While He does this with me….I know that He is equipping me by “expanding, stretching, lengthening and strengthening” me (Isaiah 54:2). It is not an easy one but He gives the strength. Everday I learn to rest in Him and take on His yoke of freedom. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matt 11:28-30). Jesus also says “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst”(John 6:35). This blog is my step of faith. I am not just edifying other people but it helps me with my personal walk with God. As I share about my life, I’m also learning to be the light :).

Have an amazing rest of the week xoxo.

Cheerios :)

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


“For rebellion is as sin of witchcraft,
And stubborness is as iniquity and idolatry.
Because you have rejected the word of the Lord,
He also has rejected you from being king.”
1 Samuel 15:23.

Yikesabee!!….to liken rebellion (resistance to any authorities) to ‘sin of witchcraft’ and stubborness to ‘iniquity (wickedness, doing my own will) and idolatry’….I never quite saw it that way before. The whole thing sends shivers down my spine. These were the words that Samuel spoke to King Saul in which the king replied, “I have sinned……..because I feared the people and obeyed their voice” (1 Samuel 15:24). In the previous verses we see how Saul failed in a test of obedience that showed his proud and rebellious spirit towards the command of God. How many times have we used other people as our excuse for our rebellion. Whether its rebellion to God or our earthly authorities.

In Bill Gothard’s ‘Basic Life Principle’ seminar (which was brilliant!!), under the principle of ‘Authority’, Gothard states that “God gives direction, protection and provision through human authorities (parents, government, church leaders and employers). If we rebel against them, we expose ourselves to the destruction of evil principalities who take jurisdiction over specific places and people”. That’s why rebellion is likened to witchcraft.

While I heard all this, I thought of my parents. I notice how much obeying my parents has brought me so far (nah, nah…I’m not a perfect child). The times that I rebelled I stepped out of their ‘umbrella of protection’, I have regretted it. But God, through His grace and faithfulness, has turned those regrets and painful experiences for good. For those who have difficult authorities, I believe that these difficult authorities are there to develop our character. I believe with all my heart that God has never done anything by accident…….He planned everything so well and also allows suffering to take place (God never allows something you cannot handle). It is all for a bigger purpose. I truly believe that…..its a humbling yet rewarding experience. 

Earthly authorities that have been ordained by God are important. For ‘who may lead them out and bring them in (Numbers 27:17)….with compassion for them because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd (Matt 9:36)’. My proposal for the week is that firstly, for us who are single, we need to be under the umbrella of protection of your father….do not stray from that protection, even if they are non-Christian. If you are not under it, get under it :). God gave them to us for a purpose. “Honor your father and mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12, emphasized in Lev 19:3). If you are without a father, God is the Father to the fatherless (Ps 68:5, 10:14, Hosea 14:3) stand under His umbrella of protection…..it is the best Umbrella to be under :). If you are a married woman, you are under the protection of your husband. Husbands, you are accountable to God. These are God-given authorities. Refusal to obey our authorities causes a mess, a confusion. If our authorities are difficult, perhaps God’s teaching us to pray for them or to trust in Him alone. I am learning not to allow ‘bitterness, previous unfulfilled promises, anger and pride’ to remain between God’s purposes in my life. This act of obedience to our authority…..God honours it and Satan knows that. We must not give Satan a foothold in our life. Contrary to popular belief, obedience is liberating……I did not believe it until I experienced it.

Have an amazing week peeps :)
Me xoxo

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

You did not ask!!

Sometimes we believe that we are not good enough to ask God for anything. We think about all the bad things we did and feel so unworthy to even ask. In some twisted way, we believe that only if we have been good then we can ask…..only then Jesus will answer us. We forget about the true meaning and the power of the cross. We have received His forgiveness and there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Jesus says, 'Ask anything in My name and it will be given to you'. I listened to a sermon by Joyce Meyer in which she quoted James 4:2 ‘You have not because you ask not’, which basically means that we do not have something cause we did not ask for it. Of course we have situations where we ask, but God doesn’t give it. He has His reasons….but here is the amazing part….even if He doesn’t give it, He gives a peace when we don’t get it and sometimes the understanding to why we didn’t (ask for it). For example, when I first went to Australia for a year exchange program, I was sold on continuing my studies in Australia. I studied very hard, did all the research I needed to get into the best universities in the area of education and I even applied for a few scholarships (if you know anything about applying….its a long painful process of filling application forms, getting them certified, etc—you need will power to get it all done). After all that, all doors closed. Shut! I cried. A door opened in Malaysia for the first time in a semi-government university to do education. I even got a scholarship. That meant…..no Australia. I was devastated. I went through my first few months of uni sulking even though God blessed me with a scholarship. Not one of my shinning moments…..:|. Seven years later, the opportunity to go to Australia arose to do my masters. It wasn’t that I had been trying for 7 years to go back to Australia…..but when I let go of it, God still remembered and was faithful. My appointed time was 7 years later. When we ask, we either get it, sometimes only get it after a long while and other times we don’t get what we ask for. Its when we don’t get anything that we get upset, throw a tantrum, wonder if God even cares and stop asking. But if you honestly trust God, you will know God’s ways are always the best. Meyer said this, “Ask, release it to God and say ‘God I trust you, if this is what I’m suppose to have, you are giving it at the right time and I’m going to be happy in the mean time cause I’m here to serve you’”. The key is - ask first, now release it and be content even if you don’t get it or it takes a while. But you must ask!! This message really spoke to me---ask and do not second guess God.

If there is something you have asked for over and over again and God has not answered…..trust Him. If He doesn’t give it, know that He has something better…..or perhaps better timing for it. He loves you tooooooooo much to give you something that would not be good for you or at the wrong time. Sometimes what you asked for may not be a good thing, but He allows it to happen as it has a higher purpose to achieving God’s plan for you. Trust God, you will find perfect rest in His will for your life.

“Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do,
that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”
John 14:13-14.

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you,
you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you”
John 15:7.

“Until now you have asked for nothing, in My name.
Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full”
John 16:24.